
Eglets give historic gift to Pacific’s McGeorge School of Law

Tracy and Robert Eglet

特蕾西和罗伯特·埃格莱特将向博彩平台网址大全麦克乔治法学院捐赠美国法学院历史上最大的一笔捐款.S. legal education. Photo by Ashley Golledge. 

Robert T. Eglet, 他是美国最优秀的出庭律师之一,1988年毕业于麦克乔治法学院, and his law partner and wife, renowned legal negotiator Tracy A. Eglet, 将向博彩平台网址大全法学院捐赠美国大学历史上最大的一笔捐款.S. legal education, the school announced today.

The gift, which will be paid out over time, 其中包括500万美元用于支持学校的倡导中心,另外2000万美元用于为第一代学生和有色人种学生提供奖学金. The gift is among the top 15 given to a U.S. law school, 这是加州法学院的第三大学费,也是加州第一所大学170年历史上的第二大学费.

Eglet说:“我和我的妻子都坚信,尽可能地回馈社会是很重要的。. “我们很高兴我们有能力帮助那些否则无法负担法学院费用的学生. We both relied upon assistance throughout law school.”

McGeorge's award-winning advocacy program will be renamed the Eglet Center for Advocacy and Dispute Resolution. 这笔捐款将为该中心创造三位新的捐赠教职员工,并设立一项基金,用于支付每个有兴趣作为McGeorge的成员参加比赛的合格团队的比赛费用和差旅费 mock trial, moot court, negotiations or other competition teams.

“我为麦克乔治大学全国排名的模拟审判项目感到骄傲,”埃格莱特说. “I have seen the students in action as they prepared for upcoming competitions, and I was really impressed. 审判法是我的激情所在,我想做点什么来提升麦克乔治的模拟审判项目.”

法学院排名靠前的竞赛项目为学生提供了机会,提高他们的审判和上诉辩护技巧,完善他们在客户咨询方面的才能, negotiations, and arbitration. In the past three years alone, a McGeorge student won the national Top Gun competition for the 16 top student trial lawyers; McGeorge tied for seventh in the country in the American Bar Association Competitions Championship; McGeorge’s negotiations team won the national and international ABA competitions; and McGeorge moot court students won 13 best advocate awards and six best brief awards. 

U.S. News & World Report ranks McGeorge No. 8 nationally in trial advocacy.

“I want to motivate McGeorge students to go into civil trial practice,” Eglet said. “如果我能激发哪怕一个学生在这里热情地追求民事审判实践的职业生涯, then I will have achieved my goal.”


The Las Vegas-based attorney, who heads the trial team at Eglet Adams, is one of the nation’s most successful trial attorneys. Eglet has earned his clients more than $1.5 billion in verdicts and settlements in the past 10 years alone. 他在130多次民事陪审团审判中担任首席辩护律师,只有4次败诉. 

埃格莱特是瑟古德·马歇尔争取正义奖的获得者,因为他在争取正义的斗争中顽强地克服了巨大的困难,取得了成功. 他连续12年被美国国家审判律师协会评为美国100强审判律师之一,是圆桌会议的成员, the 100 Most Influential Trial Lawyers in America. 2010年被评为全国年度律师,2013年被评为全国年度出庭律师. 他曾获得《博彩平台网址大全排名》颁发的“基思·吉文斯远见奖”,以表彰他在“一个十月”博彩平台网址大全排名中达成的8亿美元和解, 2017, 他是唯一一位两次被评为内华达州年度最佳出庭律师的律师.  In 2018, Eglet was invited to become a member of “The Inner Circle of Advocates”, 全美国最好的100名原告辩护律师.  Eglet is currently the president of the National Trial Lawyers.  

Tracy A. Eglet is also a founding partner of Eglet Adams in Las Vegas. She started her law career in 1993 in Ohio, 然后在1996年搬到拉斯维加斯,在那里她专注于产品缺陷和一般疏忽领域的受伤人员. Mrs. Eglet is regarded as one of the top negotiators in the Nevada legal community.  她曾被美国国家审判律师协会评为100强审判律师之一,并且是百万美元辩护论坛的长期成员. Mrs. Eglet has settled hundreds of millions of dollars in catastrophic injury lawsuits, managed and mediated thousands of cases, and selected multiple juries that have returned verdicts in excess of $50 million.

博彩平台网址大全校长克里斯托弗·卡拉汉(Christopher Callahan)称这笔捐款对麦克乔治法学院来说是“变革性的”. “这份非常慷慨的礼物将改变麦乔治学生世世代代的生活,” Callahan said. “罗伯特和特蕾西是我们所有人的榜样,他们展示了慈善事业的力量,改变了那些致力于法律事业的学生的生活轨迹.”

The president applauded Dean Michael Hunter Schwartz, who worked closely with the Eglets to design the historic gift. He called the dean, 他曾三次被《博彩平台网址大全》评为法律教育领域最具影响力的人物, a “truly visionary leader.” 

“院长施瓦茨在短短四年的时间里就极大地改变了麦克乔治商学院,” Callahan said, 指出了前所未有的成功,包括法学院25年来最高的加州律师考试通过率, 连续四年提高新生的证书,并取得了学校历史上最好的就业率. “He is a remarkable leader.”

Schwartz, who attributed McGeorge’s recent success to the school’s faculty and staff, called the Eglets “inspiring.” 

“I love listening to them talk about their cases. They have so much heart for righting societal wrongs, for curbing abusive practices, and for helping others,” Schwartz said. “他们之所以成功,之所以能够做出这样非凡的礼物,是因为他们坚持不懈地追求正义.”

Schwartz put the gift into context. “新的基于需求的奖学金将帮助我们解决法学院和专业多样化的系统性障碍, 辩护中心基金将帮助巩固该机构在审判辩护方面的领导地位, moot court, and legal education,” Schwartz said. 

The Eglet gift is the largest donation in the law school’s 97-year history. 麦克乔治将从太平洋公司的鲍威尔计划中获得额外的500万美元配套资金.